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汤姆林森图书馆的特别收藏和档案部门收集并提供有关科罗拉多西部历史和pp电子极速糖果档案记录的资料. The collections include digital content; physical manuscript and record collections; rare books; publications relevant to the department's collecting areas; the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission archive; and items of material culture such as pottery, artwork, and memorabilia.

Digital content is available in the Colorado Mesa University Digital Archive hosted by Mountain Scholar. Physical holdings can be identified using this searchable PDF, the library catalog,或联络特别收藏及档案管理员.

汤姆林森图书馆特别收藏和档案包括可能包含被认为是敏感内容的材料, harmful, or offensive according to present views. 这些项目表明在特定时间点的社会态度和规范. 特别收藏和档案以及pp电子极速糖果数字档案中的所有材料都被保留, preserved, 并且在不做任何改动的情况下提供,以努力表现历史记录. 我们在不赞同态度的情况下提供材料, expressions, or behaviors found within them.