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乔安娜Wernette, Mezzo-soprano, is originally from Chicago, IL. On the operatic stage, Wernette has sung title roles in Britten's The Rape of Lucretia and Bizet/Brooks' La Tragedie de 卡门. Other notable leading roles included Wernette’s international operatic debut with the Festival Lyrique en Mer in Belle ile en Mer, France singing the roles of Tisbe in Rossini's La Cenerentola and Emilia in Verdi's 奥塞, returning the following summer to sing the roles of Mercedes in Bizet's 卡门 and Berta in Rossini's Il Barbiere di Siviglia.

Featured concert performances include cantatas 170 and 199 by J.S. 巴赫,马勒的 Kindertotenlieder, and as a featured soloist in Handel’s 弥赛亚和莫扎特的 安魂曲. Wernette has premiered many contemporary works and has recorded and performed a live broadcast of Schoenberg’s 小丑Lunaire on WFMT, Chicago's classical radio station.

Wernette has been a professional chorus member of the Chicago Symphony Chorus, Grant Park Symphony Chorus, San Antonio Chamber Chorus, Colorado Bach Ensemble, and was a member of the opera chorus in Bravo! Vail's summer opera production of Tosca. 近年来, Wernette has been a soloist and alto section leader with the Western Colorado Chorale and is currently the Music Director at the UUCGV, and teaches privately in addition to teaching 卡内基梅隆大学. Also a blues/folk/jazz/rock/singer/songwriter, Wernette is a singer and teacher of all genres, who is passionate about bringing out the best in her students in the genres they love to sing.

乔安娜Wernette的 简历