

伊丽莎白·鲍尔斯·夏普, 博士学位, received her Bachelor of Science in health and physical education and Master of 教育 in physical education from Arkansas Tech University, then went on to earn her 博士学位 in human performance and physical education pedagogy from Middle 田纳西州 State University-Murfreesboro. Sharp teaches Foundations of Kinesiology, Methods of Team Activities, Methods of Teaching Physical 教育 in Elementary Schools, Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical 教育, and School Health 教育. She also supervises the pre-internship and student teaching experiences for K-12 teaching students 卡内基梅隆大学.

Sharp teaches her courses using a hands-on approach. She provides multiple teaching opportunities for her methods classes, including partnering with local homeschool families. Her interests include using qualitative methods to investigate new teaching methods, changes in pre-service teacher thinking and the use of learning communities. Sharp also serves as an Assistant Department Head of the Kinesiology department.

After finishing her master's degree, Sharp spent a year living and teaching in western China. She taught conversational English and American culture to sophomore English majors. Sharp has also done work with teachers in underserved areas of Narobi, Kenya. She also worked as an elementary physical education teacher from 2008-2011 at the Homer Pittard Campus School in Murfreesboro, 田纳西州.

在她空闲的时候, she serves as the Chair of the Professional Preparation Council for SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators) America. She also serves on the Board of Directors for SHAPE Colorado and for the She Has A Name organization in Kenya. She has two young sons that she enjoys hiking, playing, and having dance parties with.


夏普,E. & 布特维尔,D. 3月(2023). Pre-Internship Course: Preparing Students for the Student Teaching Experience. Presented at the SHAPE America annual convention in Seattle, Washington.

Orendorff K. & 夏普,E. (2022年4月). The Bridge: A Homeschool Practicum Experience. Presented at the SHAPE America annual convention in New Orleans, LA.

夏普,E.B. (2022年10月/ 11月). 一个简单的祈祷. Wildfire: Annual Metastatic Breast Cancer Issue, 7 (5), 52.53.

夏普,E.B.克拉泽,B.美国西部., & 肯尼迪,C. (2019). 纸盘游戏. 伟大的活动,38(3).

夏普,E.B.邦德,S.麦克马伦,J.克劳斯,J. (2018年10月). Encouraging University Collaborations through State Associations. Presented at the SHAPE America PETE/HETE conference, Salt Lake City, UT.

夏普,E.B. (2017). The Parachute Speaks Many Languages. Society of Health and Physical Educators of Colorado Journal, 43 (1).

夏普,E & 巴尼,D. (2016) Required and Non-Required College Physical Activity Classes Effect on College Students’ Stress. American Journal of Health Studies, 31 (2), 74-81.


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